WhatsApp now allows you to listen to your voicemail messages before sending them

This new feature should reduce the number of voicemail messages sent by mistake.

Expected for several months, the functionality to listen to voice messages before sending them on WhatsApp is finally available to everyone. The feature was rolled out in the latest update.

The company showcased the novelty via a short video on Twitter stating, “ These are not mistakes, these are workouts. You can now preview your voicemail messages before pressing send.

Concretely, this feature allows you to listen to or delete a voice message before sending it. Previously, voicemail messages were sent automatically when the finger was removed from the record button, regularly resulting in unintentional sends.

It was already possible to delete the voicemail messages before they were sent, but it was not possible to listen to what had been said again. The update also allows you to listen to a specific part of the file by touching the bar that composes it.

How to listen to your WhatsApp recordings before sending them?

To access the new feature and listen to your audio messages before sending them, simply download the latest messaging app update from the App Store or the Play Store. To use the novelty, all you have to do is:

  • Click on the microphone button in a WhatsApp chat;
  • Slide the icon upwards to lock the recording in hands-free mode, a waveform appears;
  • A “stop” button and a “trash” button appear;
  • Once the recording is stopped, you can either listen to it or send it to the recipient.

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