Telegram CEO Said WhatsApp Is dangerous, advised to use Telegram

Pavel Durov, CEO of messaging app Telegram, says that WhatsApp is a dangerous app and you should use Telegram instead.Durov has offered this guidance to Jeff Bezos CEO of the popular shopping site Amazon and has also asked him to use Telegram. there was a discussion that the Amazon CEO’s data has been hacked and his WhatsApp messages were also leaked, due to which he was being blackmailed and blamed Apple’s operating system.

Now, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has advised Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos to use the messaging app Telegram instead of WhatsApp. Durov has written in his blog that this flaw of WhatsApp is present not only in iOS but also in Android and Windows Phone. That is, using WhatsApp in these devices can prove to be dangerous for users.

Durov says that if WhatsApp is installed on your phone, then the flaw associated with the corrupt video can be seen in it. In the blog, Durov wrote that if Jeff Bezos were using Telegram in his phone, no one could hack his device and blackmail them.

Targeting WhatsApp, Durov has also said that WhatsApp promotes its end-to-end encryption quite a lot and the company says that this feature is quite secure. But the truth is that this is not a technique that can guarantee the privacy of users. In addition to Jeff Bezos in his blog, Durov has advised people to use Telegram app as well. It has also said that by using Telegram, users will also get rid of many lice bugs.

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