Telegram adds new features

Telegram has released updates to its web and mobile applications added new features for voice calls and payments and introduced two improved web applications.

schedule calls

In a Telegram blog post, Telegram reveals a number of important updates. The first is the ability to schedule voice calls, which allows you to schedule specific dates and times for an appointment. If you’re a chat group admin, this is a great way to let people know when your voice call is about to be made. When the voice chat is about to start, Telegram sends a notification to the user’s phone to find out.

Improved operations with personal profiles

Telegram also brings mini profiles for voice chat. You can now view the user’s profile in voice chat without closing the voice chat window. This makes it easier to find the right information for the person you’re talking to. You can also change your avatar and profile while chatting.

Launched a new payment feature

Payments 2.0 is Telegram’s new and improved payment system. In-app sellers can now receive payments from within chats and won’t even have to leave the app. Stripe, Sberbank, Tranzzo, and Payme are some of the payment service providers Telegram supports.

Telegram also gives users the ability to add shopping tips. Payment is available on all Telegram apps and includes a desktop version.

Provide 2 new web applications

Telegram not only brings a new web version, but also offers you two options. Both apps are fully functional and allow the use of stickers, dark theme and chat folders.

You can try both versions, Telegram Web K ( and Telegram Web Z (, depending on your preference.

Some other new features

The update also brings new animations to the Android app for smoother transitions by tapping the side menu and dragging it to your chat list.

The update also adds more intuitive fast-forwarding to videos, as well as a Pinch-To-Zoom feature that lets you see good photos in the conversation.

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