Resident Evil 3 to arrive in April 2020

In PlayStation State of Play broadcast, Capcom revealed the newly created Resident Evil 3 or RE3. Resident Evil 3 takes place in the midst of the T-Virus nightmare, a biological weapon developed by the pharmaceutical company Umbrella Corporation. Resident Evil 3 star Jill Valentin – one of the most famous video game characters – escaped from a dilapidated raccoon city while being chased by tireless enemies. This game marks the debut of Nemesis, a towering bio humanoid weapon designed for brutality and high functioning intelligence.

Players can also participate in an unresolved umbrella trial on the outskirts of Raccoon City in the integrated online Asymmetric multi-player online Evil Resistance, previously known as Project Resistance work titles.

Resident Evil 3 will be available on April 3, 2020, on PlayStation 4, the Xbox One family, including Xbox One X and Steam. Those who pre-order will also receive an exclusive Classic Costume Package, which includes original designs for Jill Valentine and hairstyles for Carlos Oliveira.

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