Hackers attacked the FBI

by nativetechdoctor
2 minutes read

The attack on the FBI office in New York (USA), is believed to be related to the system that helps the agency investigate child sexual abuse cases.

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) said it has just handled a suspicious attack on the agency’s systems, but did not specify whether it was exploited or not and how long it lasted. Initial information published by CNN revealed that the FBI was “investigating a cyberattack on the computer network”.

An unnamed source said that the famous US investigative agency had acted to stop the hacker’s attempt in the incident.

The documents and reports so far do not specify the scale of the attack or the extent of the impact, but many sources claim that the problem is related to the computer system used by the FBI to investigate the documents. about child sexual abuse. CNN’s source also added that the attack was related to the FBI’s field office in New York (USA).

In an emailed notice, the representative of the investigating agency replied to Gizmodo that “we have information about the case and are processing it to collect more”. The FBI also confirmed that this was a “single incident” and “under control”, and is conducting further investigation. Meanwhile, the New York office has not yet commented.

This is not the first time the FBI’s computer system has been put on alert. In 2021, hackers bypassed email system security and used it to send fake cyberattack alerts to more than 100,000 different email addresses, identical to how the FBI shares information about threats. Cybersecurity for the law-making system in the states as well as each locality. The incident caused the Federal Bureau of Investigation to shut down the system offline until it was completely fixed.

On Thursday, the US Department of Justice announced the creation of a “response force” to deal with foreign actors lurking to steal US technology secrets through cyberattacks. The anti-hacking task force includes the FBI and has offices in 12 cities across the United States.

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