China wants to develop AI similar to ChatGPT

by nativetechdoctor
1 minutes read

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence (AI) software that is dominating the community, but soon more competitors from China may appear.

Baidu – a powerful internet corporation known as “China’s Google” is planning to develop an artificial intelligence (AI) tool similar to ChatGPT, according to Bloomberg. The launch time may not be far away when the company is planning to announce the product from March to here.

Currently, Baidu’s AI does not have an official name, but will almost certainly be integrated into this group’s search service. Search is also the service that has made Baidu’s brand in China as well as known globally.

In China, AI is not a new or unexplored thing, but Baidu is in a different position as one of the leading enterprises in the internet industry in the billion-people market along with Alibaba and Tencent. Baidu’s presence in the field of AI is expected to create a turning point, creating a far-reaching influence on this field in the country.

Over the past few years, Baidu has also poured a large investment into Ernie – the AI ​​engine that is considered the foundation for the counterpart version of ChatGPT.

Recently, the tool developed by OpenAI (USA) has created a buzz not long after its launch. This company trains ChatGPT using huge amounts of web data and leaves open the possibility to learn from communicating with users. As a result, AI increasingly interacts naturally and knows how to create content according to each situation.

Not just for normal communication purposes, ChatGPT is being used to experiment with creating paragraphs, themed text, and even writing computer programming code. The “encroachment” of artificial intelligence into fields that are only for artists has also faced mixed reactions from the community as well as professionals.

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