6 WordPress Plugins Every Brand-New Site Needs

by nativetechdoctor
3 minutes read

When you set up your WordPress site, you’ll be tempted by a wide array of plugins that can do all kinds of things to improve the usefulness of your site—however, how would you pick the best ones? Here are six plugins to consider for any new WordPress site.


Making regular backups of your WordPress site is so vital they can spare the day should your site get hacked To keep your content safe, we suggest downloading a WordPress backup pluginBackupBuddy is one choice to take a gander at. This plugin puts the backup, optimization, and repair of your database on auto-pilot. It keeps your database upbeat and guarantees you don’t lose your diligent work if your server has issues, you encounter clashes, or your site is abused. This plugin not only backs up your WordPress database, but you can also use it to duplicate, migrate, and restore websites.


Protecting your site from hackers, malware, and spam ought to be best of the plan to make sure your site is running smoothly, available to your visitors and out of harm’s way, you’ll need a security plugin.WordFence will review your site for any potential security issues, including backdoors, malware, and vulnerabilities. This powerful tool has such an extensive set of features, including a firewall to keep threats at bay, two-factor authentication, built-in caching, traffic analysis (including bots), IP blocking, and blocking malicious networks. The free version even includes features to keep WordPress sites safe and off spam lists.

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO should be factored into any website build. Search engines are the main source of traffic for most websites, and you’ll want to optimize your site to feature high up on their search rankings.WordPress has numerous SEO plugins, Yoast SEO is a standout amongst the most downloaded WordPress pluginsYoast guides your SEO efforts and forces you to choose a focus keyword for your articles and pages and makes sure you use it. Using the prompts within the plugin for each post will ensure you start ranking for the keywords your customers are searching for.


When your site goes live, how would you know it’s really functioning?

Except if you’re honored with a quick flood of information exchanges ordeals, it is difficult to make sense of what’s going on. With the assistance of Analytics tools, you can answer these questions and more to make sense of what’s shielding them from changing over.WordPress analytics plugins are there to help you make sense of what is happening with your visitors. The Monsterinsights plugin allows you to start tracking your site visitors within minutes. Its user-friendly dashboard displays helpful statistics about your website to give you insight into your visitors’ habits, behavior, and preferences. There’s also a pretty neat feature where you can observe your website in real time.

WPS Hide Login

with wps hide login you can Protect your website by changing the login URL and preventing access to the wp-login.php page and the wp-admin directory to non-connected people.

WP Security Questions

wp security questions is a WordPress plugin, that when it is installed and activated it will Ask security questions on the login screen and Display security question on forgot password screen.

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